
Be Green Solar - Intuitive Control Panels for Solar Power Plants

Be Green Solar - Intuitive Control Panels for Solar Power Plants

Established in 2008, Be Green Solar specialises in the design and installation of solar, wind and micro-hydro renewable energy systems for Non-Governmental Organisations.

The company was recently commissioned to improve the control systems of several solar plants in Haiti - a region left devastated by Hurricane Matthew which passed over in late 2017 leaving many towns and villages in the area badly damaged.

Desiccants from Praxas

Desiccants from Praxas

With the onset of meteorological autumn in the Netherlands, the weather becomes more erratic and humid. For many companies, this can be a nightmare, especially if they store or transport products that are sensitive to moisture. Fortunately, Praxas, a leading player in the desiccant market, offers the perfect solution to maintain product integrity. In this case study, we will look at a situation where desiccants proved essential and discover how Praxas can help a company out of the doldrums with their Absorgel Hanging and Absorgel pouch products.

Droogmiddelen van Praxas

Droogmiddelen van Praxas

Met het begin van de meteorologische herfst in Nederland, wordt het weer grilliger en vochtiger. Voor veel bedrijven kan dit een nachtmerrie zijn, vooral als ze producten opslaan of transporteren die gevoelig zijn voor vocht. Gelukkig biedt Praxas, een toonaangevende speler in de markt van droogmiddelen, de perfecte oplossing om productintegriteit te behouden. In deze casestudy, zullen we een situatie bekijken waarin droogmiddelen essentieel bleken te zijn en ontdekken hoe Praxas met hun Absorgel Hanging en Absorgel Pouch producten een bedrijf uit de brand kan helpen.

USB: Damp Control - Property Care Association

USB: Damp Control - Property Care Association

The Property Care Association (PCA), established in 2006, is the premier UK trade body for structural waterproofing, damp proofing and condensation issues. The organization offers support for technical queries relating to specialist work being carried out, or required on any property.

The PCA is the industry expert in enabling members such as property surveyors, contractors and consultants to maintain and develop their knowledge and skills in waterproofing and damp control treatment.

Logging Bee Hive Temperatures

Logging Bee Hive Temperatures

Joergen Nielsen from Silkeborg in Denmark began keeping bees in his garden in 2016, when he took up an old hobby from when he lived on a farm in the 80s. He had been contacted by a beekeeping friend, whose husband had developed an allergy reaction towards bee sting, and she had made the obvious choice of letting go of her bees (not her husband!) – and so they landed in Joergen’s backyard. He currently has three hives, which are used in his honey production venture, Alderslyst Honning.